Performance Evaluation 4 (Question 1 – 3) – Physics Form 4 Chapter 4

Question 1:
Photograph 1 shows a steam injector machine which can inject steam into water in a container.

(a) What is the meaning of latent heat?

(b) Explain how water in the container is heated by steam injected into it.

(c) What is the advantage of heating water using the injection of steam?

(a) Latent heat is the heat that is absorbed or released during changes of phase without any change in temperature.

(b) When steam is condensed into water, latent heat is released to heat up the water.

The advantages of heating water using the injection of steam:
– Rapid heating.
– Direct heating of water, that is without wasting heat to heat up the container. 

Question 2:
Tick (✓) for situations that show thermal equilibrium.


Question 3:
Block A has a high specific heat capacity and block B has a low specific heat capacity.
If both blocks have the same mass,
(a) which block needs more energy to raise its temperature by 10°C?
(b) which block heats up more quickly if supplied with the same amount of heat? Explain your answer.

Block A.

Block B.
The block with a lower specic heat capacity experiences a higher increase in temperature.