Formative Practice 5.3 – Physics Form 5 Chapter 5

Question 1:

Figure 5.20 shows the symbol for an electronic device.
(a) What is the name of the electronic device?
(b) What is the function of terminal X on the electronic device?

(a) pnp transistor


Supply charge carriers to the collector

Question 2:
Figure 5.21 shows a transistor circuit which consists of two circuits, namely circuits A and B. When switch S is closed, bulb P is lighted dimly while bulb Q lights up brightly.

(a) Name circuit A and circuit B.

(b) Why does bulb P light up dimly when switch, S is closed?

(c) draw the modifications to the transistor circuit if the npn transistor is replaced with a pnp transistor.

(a) A is the base circuit and B is the collector circuit.

(b) The current flowing through bulb P is very small.


Question 3:

Figure 5.22 shows a temperature-controlled alarm circuit. Resistor, R has a resistance of 10 kW. The potential difference across XY must be at least 5.5 V to turn on the 6 V, 60 mA bulb. What is the resistance of the thermistor when the bulb lights up?


$$ \text { Potential difference, } V_0=6 \mathrm{~V} $$
$$ \text { Resistance, } R=10 \mathrm{k} \Omega $$
$$ \text { Potential difference across } X Y, V_{\mathrm{XY}}=5.5 \mathrm{~V} $$

$$ \begin{aligned} V_{\mathrm{XY}} & =\frac{10}{R_{\mathrm{T}}+10} \times 6 \\ 5.5 & =\frac{10}{R_{\mathrm{T}}+10} \times 6 \\ R_{\mathrm{T}}+10 & =\frac{60}{5.5} \end{aligned} $$
$$ \text { Thermistor resistance, } \begin{aligned} R_{\mathrm{T}} & =\frac{60}{5.5}-10 \\ & =10.9-10 \\ & =0.9 \mathrm{k} \Omega \end{aligned} $$