Ripple Tank
Q & A
What is the function of the Eccentric/Motor?
The function of the eccentric /motor is to produce a reciprocating motion.
Q & A
What is the function of the dipper?
- To produce waves of different shape
- Straight parallel waves may be produced by a horizontal wooden bar.
- Circular waves may be produced by a vertical ball-ended rod.
Q & A
What is the function of the sponge beach?
The function of the sponge beach is to prevent reflection of the waves.
Q & A
Explain how the dark and light bands are formed on the screen.
- The dark and light bands formed on the screen owing to the refraction of light.
- As shown in figure below, when the light from the light house passes through the area around the peak of a wave, the light will be converged and form a bright band on the screen.
- Conversely, when the light from the light house passes through the area around the trough of a wave, the light will be diverged and form a dark band on the screen.

Phenomena of Waves
- There are 4 phenomena of waves:
- Reflection
- Refraction
- Diffraction
- Interference
- Diffraction and interference are unique phenomena. Only waves perform these phenomena.