Free Electron and Hole

Free Electron and Hole If a bonded electron absorbs heat energy from the surrounding, it may be promoted to higher energy level. These electrons are free to move when they are at a higher energy level. If an electron is promoted to a higher level, a vacancy is left in the valence shell, and it … Read more


Semiconductors A semiconductor is a class of crystalline solid with conductivity between a conductor and an insulator. Example of semiconductors are: Silicon Germanium Boron Tellurium Selenium The Silicon Crystal The typical example of semiconductor is silicon. Silicon has 4 valence electrons. Each of these 4 electrons are shared with another 4 silicon atoms to form … Read more

Uses of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

Uses of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope In a laboratory, a cathode ray oscilloscope can be used to display different types of waveform.  measure short time interval measure potential difference (as a voltmeter) Displaying Wave Forms A cathode-ray oscilloscope can be used to display different types of waveform by connecting a power supply to the Y-input.  The … Read more

Using Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

Using CRO Function  1. Power switch  To switch on and off of the oscilloscope 2. Focus control To control the focus of the spot on the screen. 3. Intensity control To control the brightness of the spot on the screen. 4. X-offset5. Y-offset Y-offset moves the whole trace vertically up and down on the screen, … Read more

Structure of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

The cathode-ray oscilloscope (C.R.O.) consists of the following components: The electron gun. The deflecting plates. A fluorescent screen. The electron gun Parts of Electron Gun Function  Filament  To heat the cathode.  Cathode  Release electrons when heated by filament.  Grid  The grid is connected to a negative potential. The more negative this potential, the more electrons … Read more

Cathode Ray

Electron Gun (The electrons released by the cathode are accelerated by the accelerating anode and form a beam of electrons) If a high positive potential (anode) is placed in front of the heated metal, the emitted electrons will be accelerated and form a beam of electrons. The device is called an electron gun. The beam … Read more

Thermionic Emission

Thermionic Emission Thermionic emission is a process of emission of charged particles (known as thermion) from the surface of heated metal. The charge particles normally are electrons. The rate of emission (number of electrons emitted in 1 second) is affected by 4 factors, namely the temperature of the heated metal,When the temperature of the metal … Read more

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (Cathode Ray Tube Television) Cathode-ray tubes have become part of everyday life. They can be found in the screens of television sets and computer monitors. In the Physics laboratory, we use the cathode-ray tube in the oscilloscope to study waveforms. In SPM, you need to know How cathode ray is produced (Thermionic … Read more

SPM Form 5 Physics Chapter 4 – Electronic

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Thermionic Emission Cathode Ray Structure of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Using Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Uses of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Measuring Potential Difference Measuring Short Time Interval Displaying Wave Forms Semiconductor Holes and Free Electrons Flows of Free Electrons and Holes Doping a semiconductor N-Type Semiconductor P-Type Semiconductor Summary Semiconductor Diodes Forward Bias and … Read more